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What's new?

    IViewer v1.7:
  1. Standard Chapters bug fixed. Before, after adding chapters, text buffer was overwritten and user got wrong text on screen.
  2. Custom Chapters Progress bug fixed. Before, while adding chapters, progress bar was overwritten few times.
  3. You can use now marks even with parameter "/m-". You only cannot load or save them from/to file. Before you couldn't use marks and chapters at all, if you used "/m-".

    IViewer v2.0:
  1. Statistics added, and as part of it:
    1. Count read time (time wasted on help, marks, etc. doesn't counted).
    2. Calculate average read speed (per page).
    3. Count lines and pages left till the end of the text, or current chapter.
    4. Calculate estimated time left until user finish reading the text, or current chapter.
  2. Wrong counting line on the program start fixed. Before, after jumping to default position, line number was exactly one less than it should be.

    IViewer v2.3:
  1. Delay till next second at statistics start was fixed.
  2. Current Date Style choosing (from and command "/sd<N>") was added:
    1. MM/DD/YY american standard, was the only one in previous version.
    2. DD/MM/YY the whole world standard.
    3. MM/DD/YYYY for those americans who like to see all four digits.
    4. DD/MM/YYYY for the others pedants.
    IViewer v2.5:
  1. SPACE key was added as equivalent to PgDown (jumps one page down)
  2. Null char bug fixed. Before, if Next Line Flag wasn't "0", line that contained null char (ASCII 0), was cut at the position, where null char was encountered.
  3. When you exit the program, you sometimes get the messages "Cannot open marks file" and "Cannot open options file", even when the files are ok. That bug was fixed in this version.
    IViewer v3.0
  1. One excess line or char in the end of file fixed.
  2. Absolute time instead of timer calculation. It reads now time from BIOS, and count's interval between two reads. Before, it used tick number counted in interrupt 1C, that is run ~18.2 times per second. Using absolute time is more accurate.
  3. In statistics item name "Average speed" was changed to "Time per page", which describes better its purpose.
  4. Status line describes now every place in IViewer, not only the main screen.
  5. Status line senses now Shift, Alt and Ctrl pressing, so user don't need to press TAB to see what key can be used with Shift, Alt, or Ctrl keys.
    IViewer v3.2
  1. In Chapters Line, when user pressed some key, status line changed (which mustn't happen). This bug fixed.
  2. In statistics, when program counts current chapter's and next chapter's line, it's remembers counted line, so user don't have now to wait every time he enters statistics.
  3. Null char bug on chapters generation was fixed (now if character is ASCII 0, it is converted to space, instead of cutting chapter name in its position)
  4. Spaces & tabs skipping at beginning and end of chapter's name was added.
  5. Keys added: Shift+Left or Ctrl+Left - 10 chars left, Shift+Right or Ctrl+Right - 10 chars right.
    IViewer v3.5
  1. Bug in custom chapters fixed: when user added custom chapters in an encoding different from DOS, chapt