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------------Podolskiy Ilya's Viewer v4.1(c) help file------------

 General notes
 Keyboard help
 Command line options
 About this program

-===: General Notes :===-
 The program uses some external files (besides the EXEcutable) to store
additional data:
 Iviewer.hlp     This help file
 Iviewer.cfg     General program configuration
 Iviewer.dat     Bookmarks, Chapters, etc...

 When you run the program w/o mentioning a text file on the command line,
'Iviewer.dat'(if exists) will be scanned for recently read books, and if
such were found a choice will be given.

 Whenever you exit the program your current position in the text is saved.
When you open the text next time(explicitly from the command line or by
choosing from the menu) the last saved position will be restored.

 The program only writes to 'Iviewer.cfg' & 'Iviewer.dat'.
 NO CHANGES are made to any other files!


 If, for some reason, the programs looks or acts strangely you may wish to
delete the 'Iviewer.cfg' file. A new one will be generated the next time the
program is run.
 If the program fails to load it may be due to problems with the file system.
The most common is 'file sharing' on the file 'Iviewer.dat'.
It might be helpful to reboot the system in order to 'unblock' files the
system may be holding.

-===: Keyboard help :===-
 Recent files list:
  If you run IViewer without specifying a Filename a list of the recently
   read books will be given. You can use the following keys:
     PgDown,PgUp:       Choose a file.
     Home, End:         Go to first/last file.
     Delete:            Delete the current record.
     Ctrl+Delete:       Delete all dead records (files that don't exist).
     Alt+Delete:        Delete records that don't include a string.
     Alt+Shift+Delete:  Delete records that include a string.
    Note: The string is entered later.

 Main Program:
  Up/W,Down/X:          Move one line up/down.
  PgUp,PgDown:      Move one page(screen) up/down.
  Space:            Move one page(screen) down. Same as PgDown.
  Shift+PgUp:       10 Pages Up.
  Shift+PgDown:     10 Pages Down.
  Ctrl+PgUp/Home:   Jumps to then beginning of file.
  Ctrl+PgDown/End:  Jumps to the end of file.
  Mouse Right Clic: Page up.
  Mouse Left Clic:  Page down.
  Left/A,Right/D:   Move one column left/right. (Looks strange if you enable
                     this while Wrap-mode is on.)
  Ctrl+Left:        10 chars left.
  Ctrl+Right:       10 chars right.
  Home:             Moves you to the beginning of line.
  End:              Moves you to the end of line.
  Esc,F10:          Exit and Save Current Position.
  Ctrl+Q:           Exit without Saving Current Position.
  F1:               "Help! I need somebody..."
  F2:               Toggle Wrap-mode. Default: on.
  F9:               Toggle Full Screen. Default: off.
  Alt+F9:           Toggle status line. Only in non-full screen mode.
  Ctrl+R:           Refresh screen. Redraws border and rewrites text.
  Alt+F1:           Reverse text direction.
  Alt+F2:           Text alignment (left/right/center/aligned).
  Ctrl+F1:          Show Statistics.
                     Shows some useful information, such as elapsed time,
                     average speed, estimated time, etc...
  F3:               Add current position as a BookMark. Prompts for a name.
  Alt+F3:           Add current position as a Chapter. Prompts for a name.
  Ctrl+F3:          Add Standard Chapters. Finds and adds to the Chapter List
                     all text lines that conform to:
                      Empty line, text line, empty line.
  Ctrl+F4:          Add Custom Chapters:
      You will be asked for a Custom Chapter String.
      String may include '?' instead of any char.
      You can write "\n" at the end of string, where <n> is number of lines
      included in the chapter's name (1..9). Of course, "\n" will be
      deleted from the string. If you want the chapter to include only
      last line from <n> lines write "-" before "\n" (example: "Chapter-\2").
      If you want the string to include "\n", write "\\n".
      First "\" will be deleted.
    F2:       Toggle Case sensitivity.
    F3:       Toggle Whole word only mode.
    ESC, F10: Cancel.

  F4:               Choose BookMark.
  Alt+F4:           Choose Chapter.
   The following keys are active during both menus:
     Up,Down,PgDown,PgUp: Move in the list.
     Home:              Go to first mark.
     End:               Go to last mark.
     Insert:            Add current position to list. Same as (alt+)F3.
     Delete:            Delete current line.
     Ctrl+Delete:       Delete all records with the same name as current.
     Ctrl+Shift+Delete: Delete all records.
     Alt+Delete:        Delete all records that don't include a string.
     Alt+Shift+Delete:  Delete all marks that include a string.
        Note: The string is entered later.
     F2:                Rename record.
     Ctrl+F2:           Rename all records with the same name as current.
     F3:                Sort:
        1:         by Position
        2:         by Name
        Esc, F10:  Cancel
     F4:                Change case of current mark name
     Ctrl+F4:           Change case of all marks from current list
        The following schemes are available:
         1: AB CD (upcase all)
         2: ab cd (lowcase all)
         3: Ab cd (upcase first letter of sentence)
         4: Ab Cd (upcase first letter of every word)
         5: WeArEtHeHaCkErS
         6: wEaReThEhAcKeRs
     Any symbol typed will jump to the next mark beginning with
      that symbol.

  F5:               Recount current line.
  Alt+F5, Ctrl+O:   View Screen that was before the program started.
  F6:               Go to:
     1:         Position.
     2:         Line
     3:         Page.
     4:         Percent.
     ESC, F10:  Cancel.
        Note: The number is entered later.
  F7:               Search (can include '?' as a wildcard)
     F2:        Toggles Case Sensitivity ("C").
     F3:        Toggles Whole Word Only Search ("W").
     ESC, F10:  Cancel.
  Shift+F7:         Continue Search
    During the search you can press Esc or F10 to STOP search.
  F8:               Select
     F2:        Toggle Case Sensitivity ("C").
     F3:        Toggle Whole Word Only Search ("W").
     F4:        Toggle Whole Word Selection ("F").
     Enter:     Confirm the selection.
     F7:        Confirm and Search.
     Esc, F10:  Abandon the selection.
  Shift+F1:         Change Foreground Color.
  Shift+F2:         Change Background Color.
  Shift+F3:         Change Border Foreground Color.
  Shift+F4:         Change Border Background Color.
  Shift+F5:         Change Selected text Foreground Color.
  Shift+F6:         Change Selected text Background Color.
    Dumps current page to file.
    Creates "FileName.nnn" where FileName is the current file & nnn starts
     from 000 and goes up to 999.
  Ctrl+F7:          Choose next line flag.
  Ctrl+F8:          Choose encoding type (Dos, Windows or KOI8-R).
  Ctrl+F9:          Change clock position (or turn it off)

  NOTE: 1. Next Line Flag, Encoding, Alignment, Reversing, Default Position,
        Marks and Chapters are saved in the Marks File (iviewer.dat),
        for every text file separately.
        2. All long processed, such as searching, lines counting and
        seeking can be stopped in any time by pressing ESC or F10.

-===: Command Line Help :===-
 General syntax:
  IViewer.exe [<FileName>] [Options]

  If you wish the specified options to be saved in configuration file, you
 must use parameter "/save". Only options which will be after "/save" will
 be saved. Otherwise it will be used only for current session.
  The parameters are order & case insensitive!
  The [-] notation means this is a switch. Adding "-" reverses the meaning.

  <FileName> The file you want to open. You can use both relative and
 absolute path names.
  If a file isn't specified the program will show a list of the recently
 opened files.

  /m:<FileName>  Path to BookMark file (Default: iviewer.dat).
  /o:<FileName>  Path to Options file  (Default: iviever.cfg).
  /h:<FileName>  Path to Help file     (Default: iviewer.hlp).
  /m-            Don't use the Bookmarks file.
  /o-            Don't use the Options file.
  /df            Use "Current Directory" for the .cfg, .dat & .hlp files.
  /r             Reset the options to the default ones.
  /w[-]          Wrap-mode.
  /sc[-]         Ignore Case in search.
  /sw[-]         Search whole word only.
  /sf[-]         Select whole words(with mouse).
  /ef            Don't expand file name (X ==> Drive:\Path\X).
                  The program uses the files absolute path when saving
                  bookmarks. This instructs the program to ignore the path
                  and use the filename only.
  /em[-]         Save default position when End Of File.
                  As default, when you exit the program while viewing the end
                  of the file (e.g. after finishing a book) the default
                  position isn't saved, and if no other bookmarks are
                  present for the file the book is deleted from the list.
  /ap[-]         Autoload default position.
                  When you open a file, the program automatically jumps to
                  the last position (saved at exit).
  /lp[-]         Count the Number of Lines on load.
  /le[-]         Count the Number of Lines when jumping to End Of File.
  /lm[-]         Count the Number of Lines when choosing a Mark.
  /lsl[-]        Count current Line number on Statistics loading.
  /lsc[-]        Count current & next Chapter Line on Statistics loading.
  /lse[-]        Count number of Lines 'till EOF on Statistics loading.
  /mw[-]         Enable Left-Right movement even if Wrap-mode is on.
  /f[-]          FullScreen mode.
  /dm            Disable the mouse.
  /st<N>         Clock style:
                  0:off, 1:Upper-Left, 2:Upper-Right,
                  3:Upper-Left(constant), 4:Upper-Right(constant),
                  5:Upper-Left of border, 6:Upper-Right of border.
  /sd<N>         Current Date Style:
                  0:MM/DD/YY, 1:DD/MM/YY, 2:MM/DD/YYYY, 3:DD/MM/YYYY.
  /pl<N>         Number of lines per page. Default: 28.
  /pn<N>         Number of Lines from previous page to leave on screen after
                  pressing PgUp or PgDn. Default: 1.
  /nlf<N>        Set New-Line-Flag (0:0, 1:10, 2:13, 3:13+10, default=3).
  /cf<N>         Set foreground color.
  /cb<N>         Set background color.
  /cbf<N>        Set border foreground color.
  /cbb<N>        Set border background color.
  /csf<N>        Set selection foreground color.
  /csb<N>        Set selection background color.
  /save          Save options to Options File.

-===: About :===-
  Ilya's Viewer v4.1(c)
  Program made for easy reading of text files (e-books).
  Copyright (c) Ilya Podolskiy, 2001
  EMail: The-Warlock@mail.ru / podolski@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
  Please send your comments and suggestions (subject: IViewer).
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