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Warlock's utils!!!
Utils for DOS
Text-Array Convertor (C)Ilya Podolskiy,2000
Converts Text to Pascal or C++ array.
Batch Url (C)Ilya Podolskiy,2000
Makes list of URLs, by changing '*' in given URL to numbers or chars. Example:
c:\>bat_url.exe /d 5 7*.jpg
will make list:
Batch Url for GetRight(C)Ilya Podolskiy,2000
Works as bat_url.exe, but makes list is GetRight Export Format. That list can be imported by GetRight. Example:
c:\>gbat_url.exe /d 5 5*.jpg pics
will make list:
File: c:\pics\pic5.jpg
Search In File (C)Ilya Podolskiy,2002
Searches for a string in file and shows, how many times the text was found.
Delete In File (C)Ilya Podolskiy,2002
Searches for a string in file, deletes it and shows, how many times deleted.
Replace In File (C)Ilya Podolskiy,2002
Searches for a string in file and replaces it with other string and shows, how many times changed.
This little util can replace you many others. Example:
Add paragraph in the beginning of every new line: replace FileName $d$a $d$a$9
Compress empty lines: replace FileName $d$a$d$a $d$a
And so on...
Insert File to File (C)Ilya Podolskiy,2002
This program inserts one file to another in specific position.
Delete Empty Lines (C)Ilya Podolskiy,2002
As you can understand from its name, this program deletes empty lines, that stands in sequence,
remains 1 line (or other number, if user specify it as the secont parameter).
Fix TXT File (C)Ilya Podolskiy,2002
Very useful program if you have text with line breaks, and you want to delete them. I. e.,
you want line break to only after end of paragraph. This program:
- Replaces line breaks with space, if next line doesn't begin with space or tab
- Deletes spaces in the end of line
- Compresses space: replaces few spaces inside text with one space.
- If user specify second command line parameter, spaces and tabs, in the beginning of every
new line, replaces with it. Here you can write "$20$20$20$20$20" to set 5 spaces in the
beginning of line, or #9 to set tab, and so on..
For more help, start any of these programs with "/?" as first parameter.
You can download all of these programs in one zip file.
Utils for Windows
Ilya's Editor (C)Ilya Podolskiy, 2001
Just editor. MDI multi-window editor. Understands Rich Text Format too, not only plain text.
In edition it has 4 useful functions:
- Add HTML mark: Asks you for a mark name and inserts "<a name="MarkName"></a>"
in the current position.
- Find and Inserts HTML marks: looks through the text for the HTML marks (as described above),
reads text from next line as title and insert links to them in the current position.
- Delete all line breaks that does not folow after "<br>"
- Delete all line that begins with TAB char (#9)
Ilya's Library (C)Ilya Podolskiy, 2001
Very useful program to arrange your books.
When user adds files or directories to the books' list, program automaticly retrieves information
(such as Author name, book name and series name) from file(s) and adds it to tree like this:
Author 1
Series 1
Name 1
Name 2
Series 2
Name 1
Name 2
Name 3
Name 1 (name that not included in any series)
Author 2
It has many options (encoding, html recognition, etc.)
It has 2 kind of sort:
1. Everything by name
2. Authors and series by name and book names by filename
On start it loads tree from file "ILibrary.dat" (if exist) from the same directory
where the program exist, and on exit saves it to the file (create the file if not exist).
If you need source of any of these programs, you can send me EMail. In your EMail explain why do you need a source.